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Early Music News

The publication for members and friends of the Society.



The Society's newsletter provides a gamut of information for all early music enthusiasts.  Early Music News is currently published six times a year with extra "special editions" possible.  

Beginning with the 2017-18 season, newsletters are available to read online and may also be received electronically via email in PDF format.

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Early Music News Archive   

A complete listing of all issues with cover articles from Volume 21 (1996) to the present.



Read online now!  Click any of the issues below marked   READ NOW 


Back issues of printed newsletters (Volumes 21-42) may still be available. To obtain a particular article, please email us the requested issue date to determine availability.

Volume 45

 READ NOW    Distant Courses: Early Music and Historical Instruments in Video Game Soundtracks by Adam Gilberti, Ph.D. and Jose Daniel Ruiz [March 2020]

 READ NOW    Beyond the Musical Fringe: The Unfolding of the Early Music Movement in North America.” by  Stanley Ritchie [February 2020]

 READ NOW    PRISM Presents The Pomona College Concert by Donna M. Di Grazia, Adrien Redford, and Hayden Eberhart [January 2020]

 READ NOW    Celebrating Strozzi’s 400th Year by Dr. Marylin Winkle [December 2019]

 READ NOW    Saxophone and Bach: An Unlikely Combo? by Cynthia Swanson [November 2019]

 READ NOW    L’Apothéose and a Spanish Händel Tribute by Patricia Bendala [October 2019]

 READ NOW    An Interview with Dr. Marylin Winkle, New Director of the UCLA Early Music Ensemble [September 2019]


Volume 44

  READ NOW    A Conference with Frescobaldi Flare by Ruta Bloomfield D.M.A. [August 2019]

  READ NOW    Rebuilding Arcadia -- Episode II: Corelli, Scarlatti, Handel and the Arcadian Academy of Rome by Arthur Omura. [July 2019]

  READ NOW    Pastime with Good Company by Karin Brookes. [June 2019]

  READ NOW    2019: A Bach St. John Passion for Southern California by Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D. [May 2019]

  READ NOW    Composing in the Neo-Baroque Style by Glen Shannon [April 2019]

  READ NOW    A German Renaissance Roadshow by Nicole Baker, Ph.D. [March 2019]

  READ NOW    New Early Music Concert Series Makes Its Debut in Glendale by Ron Barnett and Julianne Homokay [February 2019]

  READ NOW    Spreading the Gospel: Period Style for Modern Performers by  Colin Eatock  [January 2019] 

  READ NOW    3D Printing for Early Woodwinds by Charles M. Jackson, Ph.D.  [December 2018] 

  READ NOW    A Conference with Five High ‘Cs’ by Ruta Bloomfield, D.M.A. [November 2018] 

  READ NOW    Talk to the Hand: Reconciling Early Music Theory with Modern Instrumental Practice by Adam Bregman [October 2018] 

  READ NOW    Rebuilding Arcadia: How the Pastoral Genre Changed Music in Eighteenth-Century France and How Musical Instruments Had to Keep Up with the Times 

by Bruce Teter and Arthur Omura [September 2018]


Volume 43

   READ NOW    Madrigals in their Natural Habitat: Performance Practices of the St. George Early Music Ensemble by John H. Smith, IV [August 2018]

   READ NOW    Recorder Doubling for the Working Musician by David A. Levy [July 2018]

   READ NOW    Thomas Selle in Hamburg by Frederick K. Gable, Ph.D. [June 2018]

   READ NOW    Welcome to all the Pleasures! Bach Collegium San Diego at 15 by Ruben Valenzuela, Ph.D. [May 2018]

   READ NOW    The Joy of Making Music by  J. Winthrop Aldrich [April 2018]

   READ NOW    Francesco's Gigue, Historically Inspired Fiction by Lindsey Strand-Polyak, Ph.D. [March 2018]

   READ NOW    Early Music or HIP?  Welcoming Beethoven to the Family by Alexandra Opsahl  [February 2018]

   READ NOW    Back from Belgium: The Festival van Vlaanderen, Brugge by Lia Starer Levin, Ph.D. [January 2018]

   READ NOW    The Origins of the Unaccompanied Violoncello Repertoire by Alexa Haynes-Pilon, D.M.A. [December 2017]

   READ NOW    The Excavation of Helen of Troy: Debuting 17th Century Opera for Modern Audiences by Terri Richter D.M.A. [November 2017]

   READ NOW    A Remarkable Sabbatical Trip by Ruta Bloomfled, D.M.A. [October 2017]


Volume 42

In Celebration of the Amateur… by Lindsey Strand-Polyak [June 2017]

Ladies' Love and Language: Another Look at Madrigals by Maddalena Casulana by Marylin Winkle [May 2017]

On Composition by Killian Drake [April 2017]

The Affect of Affekt in J.S. Bach's Aria with Thirty Variations by Ruta Bloomfield, D.M.A. [March 2017] 

1517 -- A Watershed Musical Year by Prof. Adam Knight Gilbert [February 2017]

Musical Offering by Kathleen McIntosh [January 2017]

Exemplary Rameau: His Code de Musique Pratique (1760) and the Craft of Musical Communication by Dr. Mark Howard [December 2016] 

Bethlehem's Enduring Bach Festival: GPS for the Soul by Laurence Vittes [November 2016]

Beauty, Truth, Horses, and Music by Dr. Danielle Rosaria Nahas [October 2016] 

Five Little Notes: The Baroque Tenor Recorder as a Solo Instrument by John L. Robinson [September 2016]


Volume 41

A Slave to Love and Passion: Dido's Message to Aristocracy by Nathan Dougherty [June 2016]

Anner Bylsma and Bach by Allen Whear [May 2016] 

An Overlooked Revolution: Text Painting and the Contenance Angloise in Two Tudor Tunes from the Fayrfax Manuscript by Stacey Helley [April 2016]

Problems of "Authenticity" in Josquin Scholarship by Alexandra Grebarchuck [March 2016]

Iberian Renaissance by Nicole Baker [February 2016]

A Quick Guide by Vicente Chavarria [January 2016]

Being an Amateur Musician - Fifteen Views by Lynne Ludeke [December 2015] 

Three Players and the Clavier Ubung by Kathleen McIntosh [November 2015]

Old Wine in New Bottles by Rick Dechance [October 2015]

J.S. Bach's Aria with Thirty Variations by Rita Bloomfield [September 2015]


Volume 40

Liquid Architecture:  Music from the Golden Age of Polyphony by Peter Rutenberg [June 2015]

Early Music D-I-Y: Flos Campi at 4 by Vicente Chavarria [May 2015] 

Early Baroque Monody by Stacey Helley [April 2015] 

The Brief, Wondrous Life of Italian Opera in Baroque France by Nathan Dougherty [March 2015] 

French Baroque Courtly Women During the Time of Absolutism: Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre & Julie Pinel by Marischka Olech Hopcroft [February 2015] 

Puebla, 1750: A Cathedral at a Crossroad by Vincente Chavarria, USC [January 2015]

17th Century Continuo Basics for Non-Continuo Players by Alexandra Opsahl [December 2014]

The Long Road to LARO by Lia Starer Levin [November 2014] 

Monteverdi: Renaissance Master by Nichole Baker [October 2014]


Volume 39

Chiaroscuro in Renaissance Choral Music by Peter Rutenberg [June 2014]

Interpreting the 16th and 17th Century English Broadside Ballad by Bianca Hall [May 2014]

The Tudors and Their Music by Nicole Baker [April 2014] 

The Music of Orlando di Lasso by Stephen Grimm [March 2014]

Musica Angelica Baroque Orchestra by Martin Haselböck [February 2014]

Editorial Musings by Bill Griffin [January 2014]

The Man Behind the Curtain — Curtis Berak by Lynne Ludeke [December 2013]

The Arpicordo and it's Repertoire by Ian Pritchard [November 2013]

Adoramus te, Christe: The Conception of a Program of Sacred Music by Bianca Hall [October 2013]
Evolution of the Violin Through the Baroque Era by Cynthia Roberts [September 2013]


Volume 38

A Festival of Madrigals and Motets by Peter Rutenberg [June 2013]
The Performance Practice of the Monteverdi Vespers: A Performer's Perspective by Alexandra Opsahl [May 2013]
Treatise Tattlings or: How to Make the Evolution of the Basso Continuo into a 'Ripping Yarn' by Marischka O. Hopcroft [April 2013]
The Birth of Baroque Music, or My Big Fat Greek Monody by Marisa Rubino [March 2013]
The Rebirth of the Madrigal Feast by John Smith IV [February 2013]
Viola d'Amore, An Amateur's Perspective by Daniel Geiger [January 2013]
J.S. Bach's 12 Days of Christmastide by Chad J. Miner [December 2012]
Les Suprises Baroques: A Ground Round Surprise by Elizabeth Blumenstock [November 2012]
Music at the Court of Frederick the Great by Preethi de Silva [October 2012]
French Renaissance Dance: What Makes it Great by Prof. Emma Lewis Thomas and Bruce Teter [September 2012]


Volume 37

Assumptions in Early Music by Lynne Ludeke [June 2012]
In Search of Context by John H. Smith IV [May 2012]
Foundation of Les Surprises Baroque by Inga Funck [April 2012]
Vivaldi — The Priest, The Man by Alex Mendez [March 2012]
Gabrieli in San Marco by Alexandra Opsahl [February 2012]
A European Early Music Festival Tour by Laurence Vittes [December 2011]
Music of the Masters by Laura Spino [November 2011]
The Ospedale della Pieta by Alexander Mendez [October 2011]
Putting on a Concert: What You Don't Know if You're Not a Musician by Lynne Ludeke [September 2011]


Volume 36

LARO Bridges Centuries Musically with "Introspection" Concert by Thomas Axworthy [June 2011]
Bold, Fearless, Good, & Fair: A Musical History of the Valois Dukes of Burgundy by Peter Rutenberg [May 2011]
SCRS April Gala Benefits Early Music by Connie Koenenn [April 2011]
Musica Angelica's Concertmaster, Illia Korol by Lynne Ludeke [March 2011]
Searching for Musical Moments by Steve Padilla [February 2011]
Jim Tyler - A Departed Early Music Leader and Friend by Zak Ozmo and L. Rogers [January 2011]
Bernard de Bury: In a Distinguished Line of Harpsichordists to the King of France by Ruta Bloomfield [November 2010]
Homage to Bach: Music for Violin and Harpsichord by Preethi de Silva [October 2010]
¡Feliz Quincentenario, Antonio! Celebrating the 500th Anniverary of the Birth of Antonio de Cabazón by Jennifer Sayre [September 2010]


Volume 34 / 35

Happy Anniversary Monteverdi: LARO Celebrates the Composer's "1610 Vespers" by Connie Koenenn [June 2010] 
Orlando from the Beyond by Peter Rutenberg [May 2010] 
Simple Gifts by Lynne Ludeke [April 2010] 
Shirley Robbins - Mentor and Teacher by Steve Padilla [March 2010] 
The Polish Renaissance Rediscovered by Marek Zebrowski & Krysta Close [January 2010] 
The Rise of Russian Secular Music in the 18th Century: Winged Cupids, Coachmen, and Mosquitos by Alex Mendez [December 2009]Making an Aquitanian Polyphonic Versus by Rick Dechance [October 2009] 

Members CLICK HERE for online musical examples from Rick Dechance's October 2009 chant article!
Russian Women Composers at the Court of Catherine the Great: A Hidden Women's Tradition by Anne Harley [September 2009]


Volume 33

The Musical Legacy of Henry VIII by Peter Rutenberg [June 2009]

Gregorian Chant As Music by Rick Dechance [May 2009] 

Members CLICK HERE for online musical examples from Rick Dechance's May 2009 chant article!
Dido and Aeneas by Peter Rutenberg [April 2009] 
Finding the Right Key… Fingering Systems Differ for Early Woodwind Instruments by Steve Padilla [March 2009] 
John Leicester Led the Way for Southern California Early Music Growth by Rick Dechance [February 2009] 
The Ospedale della Pieta by Alexander Mendez [January 2009] 
Dancing with The Stars of 1476 and 1588 by Emma Lewis Thomas [December 2008] 
Performance Practice Police at the Movies by Adam Gilbert [November 2008] 
75 Years Young -- Welcome Bach! by Curtis Rhodes [October 2008]


Volume 32

The Rise of Vivaldi: A Surprising Set of Sources that Helped by Alexander Mendez [June 2008] 
Hidden Treasures: The Sacred Songs of Francisco Guerrero by Joseph Sargent [May 2008] 
The Use of Ornamentation in Baroque Opera by Eric Schneeman [April 2008] 
Printing Technology and Music by Joshua Grayson [March 2008] 
Extending the Holiday Early Music Season: Jouyssance and LARO plan January concerts by Connie Koennen [January 2008] 
Cellists (especially Baroque cellists) Beware! by Laurence vittes [December 2007] 
From Jamestown to the Revolution: Two Centuries of British and American Music by Peter Rutenberg [November 2007] 
Playing the Recorder: ARS makes a visit to Southern California by Connie Koennen [October 2007]


Volume 31

Jamming Baroque Style by Adam Gilbert [May 2007] 
Birds of Feather: the Start of "Jealous Nightingale Baroque" by David Barnett [April 2007] 
"Behold what noise is this I hear?": Popular Music and the Broadside Ballad 
in 17th- & 18th-Century England by Vanessa L. Rogers [February 2007] 
Jane Austen's World of Music by Juliann Baird [January 2007] 
Profile: Adam Gilbert by Sin-Yin Mak [November 2006] 
The B-Minor Enigma by Alexander Ruggieri [October 2006] 
Padilla: The Pride of Puebla by Peter Rutenberg [September 2006]


Volume 30

Renaissance Devotions by Kathia Ibacache [June 2006] 
A Bit of Harpsichord History by Sally Mosher [May 2006] 
Ballad Opera by Vanessa Rogers [April 2006] 
Honors Event for the Southern California Divas by Connie Koenenn [March 2006] 
What was Monteverdi Thinking? by Kathia Ibacache [February 2006]


Volume 29

Lully and Charpentier: True Music Rivaly by Susanne Dunlap [May 2005] 
Irma Rogell Remembers Landowska by Connie Koenenn [March 2005] 
Continuing Michael Eagan's Legacy by Connie Koenenn [January 2005] 
Cappella Romana and the Music of Byzantium edited by Mark Powell from Maria Boyer's essay [November 2004]


Volume 28

Musica Humana Oxford: Reminiscences of a Former Southern Californian by Dana Marsh [December/January 2003]
Making Period Instruments by John Speak [October/November 2003]


Volume 27

Cappella Celebrates a Decade of Music-Making by Peter Rutenberg [April/May 2003] 
Rebel? Is that some kind of heavy metal garage band? by John Moran [February/March 2003] 
Messiah again? Yes, and two thumbs up! by Martin Neary [December/January 2003] 
Baroque LA by Michael Eagan [October/November 2002]


Volume 26

Sketches of Spain by Catherine Weary [Summer 2002] 
The 18th Century German Oboe Band: Civic Music for Entertainment by Dr. Marianne Pfau [April/May 2002] 
Monteverdi's Lament: A look at two ground-breaking works by il divino Claudio by Shanon P. Zusman [February/March 2002] 
Halcyon Days: Music at the Courts of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I by Sally E. Mosher [December/January 2003] 
EMA "Star-Spangled Season" by William Skeen [October/November 2001]


Volume 25

Medieval Song with The Boston Camerata by Barbara Shuwarger [Summer 2001] 
Nun Other Than... by Susan Judy [May 2001] 
A New Look at Barbara Strozzi by Denise Briesé [April 2001] 
Notes from the Front - A Pilgrim's Progress: Reflections on a Career in Early Music by Drew Minter [March 2001] 
Handel's Joshua by John Ostendorf [February 2001] 
The Making of a Baroque Ballet, Medea by Judith Chazin-Bennahum [January 2001] 
Early Music - Modern Thinking - Fact and Ficta: Some thoughts for performers by Dana Marsh [December 2000] 
The Other Side of Bach: A Brief Look at His Secular Cantatas by David Wilson [November 2000] 
The Birth of Opera by Tim Carter [October 2000] 
Back from Berkeley by Lia Starer Levin [September 2000]


Volume 24

The Countertenor by Gregory Maldonado [Summer 2000] 
Music of Angels by Vicki Bell [May 2000] 
Soulfood for the 21st Century by Jeffrey Johnson [April 2000] 
Josquin Desprez and a Possible Portrait of the Ottoman Prince Jem in Cappella Sistina Ms. 41 by Dawson Kiang [March 2000] 
Aspects of Love: Musical Expression in the Baroque Era by Michael Eagan [February 2000] 
The "Case" of George Frideric Handel by William A. Frosch, M.D. [January 2000] 
Handel's Messiah Through the Centuries by Patrick N. Findlay [December 1999] 
Musica Baltica by Reinhard Goebel [November 1999] 
A Short Discource: Church Music of the Neapolitan School by David Wilson [October 1999] 
Possible Renaissance Renaissance at Cal State by Northridge Daniel Kessner [September 1999]


Volume 23

Le Retour: The Chatfield Years Denise Briesé [Summer 1999] 
Court Politics and Public Celebrations: The Genesis of Handel's Birthday Ode and Coronation Anthem by Graydon Beeks [May 1999] 
Some Thoughts on Johann Adolf Hasse's Tercentenary by Anne Desler [April 1999] 
Bach: A Changing Image and a Memoir by Alan Rich [March 1999] 
Passion Realized: The Baroque Cello (reprint of Feb. 1997 Mark Chatfield article with additional in memoriam features) [February 1999] 
Northern Elevation by Denise Briesé [January 1999] 
'I did think I did see all Heaven before me' Julian Herbage [December 1998] 
The Baroque Violin by Andrew Manze [November 1998] 
Brides of Christ: Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Teresa of Avila, Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz (New Spain) by Barbara Kraft [October 1998] 
The Trial of Nikolaus Harnoncourt Richard D. McFalls [September 1998]


Volume 22

Handel: Acis & Galatea by Robert King [July/August 1998] 
Ferrari's Samson and Delilah, an American Première by Alan Curtis [June 1998] 
Music of the Mexican Baroque by Craig H. Russell [May 1998] 
Our Musical Heritage as Californians: Part 2 by Eric Greening [May 1998] 
Our Musical Heritage as Californians: Part 1 by Eric Greening [April 1998] 
Rhetorical Figures in Bach's Magnificat in D by Thomas Somerville [March 1998] 
War Memories by Daniel Thonon [February 1998] 
The Way-Back Laryngoscope by Peter Rutenberg [January 1998] 
The House of the First Hallelujah by Stanley Sadie [December 1997] 
Troubadours and the Art of Courtly Love by Mark Davenport [November 1997] 
Vocal Music of Dieterich Buxtehude by Edward Murray [October 1997] 
A Preface to Early Tudor Polyphony: 15th Century Trends and Developments by Dana Marsh [September 1997]


Volume 21

Italian Jazz, circa 1600 by James G. Lidgett [July/August 1997] 
"L'histoire du violone" by Denise Briesé [June 1997] 
Claudio Monteverdi in His Letters by Giulio M. Ongaro [May 1997] 
Medieval Church Drama of Easter by Deborah Smith [April 1997] 
Carolan's Harp by Andrew Lawrence-King [March 1997] 
Passion Realized: The Baroque Cello by Mark Chatfield [February 1997] 
A Renaissance Reconstruction by David Douglass [January 1997] 
Ten Years of Early Music at USC by Larry Allen [December 1996] 
Performance Practice and the Viola da Gamba in Italian Instrumental Ensemble Music of the 16th Century by Joëlle Fancher Morton [November 1996] 
Musicians, Madrigals, Marriages, Women and Opera: The Mantuan Court of Vincenzo Gonzaga, 1587-1612 by Mark Davenport [October 1996]

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