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Celebrate your enthusiasm for early music…  Join us!

Membership is $10 annually



Member benefits include:


  • A membership card honored by many local early music groups for concert and event ticket discounts.  List of participating ensembles.

  • Direct delivery of Early Music News newsletter to your e-mailbox.​

  • Subscription to our email blasts with last minute calendar additions & errata, ticket give-aways, Society announcements and more.

  • Invitations to parties and post-concert receptions and news of sing- & play-alongs, lecture-demonstrations and workshops.

  • Opportunities for volunteer involvement.


Become a member:


JOIN ON-LINE (preferred)


  1.  Complete the online membership form 

  2.  Click on DONATE (yellow button to the left on this page) to submit the membership fee.  Feel free to add an additional amount to support SCEMS programs!

  3. You will receive an email acknowledgement that includes a membership card you can print/scan to obtain discounts for participating ensembles.

  4. A DaCapo Renewal email will be sent to you the month before your membership expires. 

  5. You can also renew proactively by submitting the DaCapo Renewal form (includes opportunity to update any personal information)





  1.  Complete the online membership form (preferred) or print the form and fill out manually.

  2.  Send a personal check for the applicable membership fee (and any  additional donation amount), payable to SCEMS (and a hard copy form if not submitted electronically) to:


      SCEMS Membership

      Post Office Box 41832

      Los Angeles, CA 90041-0832



Donations above and beyond your membership dues are most welcome.


*As a small California nonprofit, memberships are currently offered only to those residing in the US.  We cannot accept or retain personal data from international subscribers. Non-US early music enthusiasts may enjoy other offerings on our website, including the online event calendar, reading & downloading the newsletter, and more.


Join us!


Submit a donation of $10 or more to become a member or to renew your membership.


Use the button below for PayPal and credit cards, or snail mail us a check.

Ticket Discounts

Ticket Discounts


The following ensembles have offered special pricing for members of SCEMS. Please check the online calendars and newsletter for additional details.

Con Gioia

Harpsichord Center Artist Series


Los Angeles Baroque Players

L'Esprit Baroque

Musica Angelica



The web site for Southern California Early Music Society, Early Music Around Town online calendar and Early Music News publication.

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